Saturday, April 29, 2006

trying to make this worth your while

I promise to start writing more. I swear. I really don't have enough in my life to do to justify the gap in consistent prose.

In the interim, enjoy the brand spanking new Radio Blog featuring some of the music currently occupying my iPod. Songs will be added and subtracted on my schedule - unless the artist emails me and asks me to take their song down.

(That said, never try to figure out Radio Blog while watching the NFL Draft, responding to email, and seeking out food. That took much longer than needed.)

Turning to the NFL Draft: As a huge Lions fan, I am happy that they drafted for defense and didn't use their first rounder to wade into the shallow WR pool for the 4th (!?!) year in a row. Florida State LB Ernie Sims was selected and brings his fast, under-sized frame to a team seeking a defensive identity other than "slight speedbump to the endzone." While he is a self-admitted fan of NFC North Rival Minnesota, Sims' biggest reported weakness is that he hits so hard that he frequently injures his brain. Yep, we got a guy who knocks out himself and others. Excellent. Here's hoping a solid DB falls to Detroit in the second round and that Millen can squeeze out a 3rd or 4th rounder for Joey.

Mind you - can you believe that two freakin' networks are broadcasting the NFL Draft in America and that the ESPN website has crashed repeatedly from draft fan web traffic today? That's a lot of medium dedicated to "experts" sporting bad hair and predicting, criticizing and bullshitting the potential performance of seemingly unknown young men. TV Makes the Expert, indeed. Kudos to you Paul Tagliabue for turning an always anti-climatic event into an industry, thereby keeping well-spoken goofs in suits employed. Kudos.

And no, i wouldn't miss it for the world.

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